Autumn has arrived

Whilst I listen to the sound of the rain hitting the garden patio, with the kids sound asleep, listening to a “autumn playlist” on Spotify with a glass of wine, I can’t help but feel cosily smug. But I know that I need to make the most of this smugness because come tomorrow morning, I’ll be rudely awakened by a 3 year old who will climb on top of me whilst elbowing my throat and kneeing my bladder, bringing me close to tears as I choke and hold my wee at the same time but trying to stay asleep through it all. Then my 6 year old will grumpily appear and try and squeeze into our already small bed, complaining that there is not enough space.

And so my day will begin, but I will wonder to myself as I did today, and yesterday, with the rainy winter approaching and what with the rule of six, what are we going to do this winter? How are we going to be law abiding citizens, be conscious of the spread of the virus AND stay sane?
These questions remind me of myself asking similar questions years before covid, when I’d just had my first baby, asking the question “How can I stay sane in this amazing, terrifying yet also a mundane life of looking after a newborn baby?” My answer after I survived the first 5 months with little sleep was, find a piece of time that is yours and yours only. If it’s when your baby naps, or sometime after the kids bedtime, and only if you feel like it, as in, have enough energy to, channel your it into creativity. Drawing, knitting, playing music, cooking - whatever it is that’s your thing. Find a small project and get stuck right into it. The aim is to forget the time for a minute.

As a full time mum, I find it REALLY hard to find this small amount of time to myself where I don’t have to do any housework but also have the energy to focus on something creative. But when I do, it keeps me going for 3 days, then I find that time again, and on it goes. And once I have secured that piece of sanity for myself, hopefully I’m a better person to be around with more energy and focus for the kids (and hubs if he's lucky 🤣).

Hisako Ando Comment

Well, well, well! At last the website has had an injection of life! Now that I have the main bit done, I’ll upload some of my other work. Watch this space, and have a good week.

Hisako AndoComment